Cú Na Mara
Have a look at some clips onboard below.
Cú Na Mara was built in 2000 in Concarneau, France. It has been in our family since 2007 when we brought it into Dingle Harbour. Our brother, Patrick, is the skipper of Cú Na Mara alongside his crew of 7 fishermen. They mainly target Prawns and Monkfish, but also catch Hake, Code, Haddock, Sole, Plaice, Cuttlefish and Plaice. Our boat can spend anywhere from 5-15 days at sea bringing you the best seafood around.
Some fun facts.
Cú Na Mara is 24 metres long and 8 metres wide.
Cú Na Mara is Irish for “Hound of the Sea”
We have Super Mario painted on the front of our boat, our nephew Cathal gave us the inspiration!
We are part of the Fishing for Litter campaign, trying to keep our oceans cleaner than how we got them.